Wednesday 7 September 2022

Structural Equation Modeling of Pregnancy in the COVID–19 Era

Felipe de Jesuus Vilchis Mora1,* Cruz Garcia Lirios1, Maria Luisa Quintero Soto1
  • Sonia Sujell Velez Baez1, Sofia Lopez Tapía1

Citation: Mora FJV, Lirios CG, Soto MLQ, Baez SSV, Tapía SL. Structural Equation Modeling of Pregnancy in the COVID–19 Era. Medp Public Health Epidemiol. 2022; 1(1): mpphe–202207004.


   Introduction: The interruption of pregnancy reflects the lifestyles of a high rate of population under 29 years of age, as is the case in the State of Mexico, however, the policies of decriminalization of abortion that focus their interest on making reasoned, planned and systematic decisions of the woman, avoid the influence of friends, relatives and partner(s) at the time of carrying out the request for termination of pregnancy. 

   Material & methods: The objective of the present study was to establish the exploratory factorial structure of instruments that measured psychological–cultural variables around intentions and experiences related to the interruption of pregnancy. A non–experimental, exploratory and cross–sectional study was carried out with a non–probabilistic selection of 210 students. The adjustments of the theoretical relationships with respect to the weighted relationships were estimated using two structural models, one cultural and the other cognitive. 

   Results: The values factor explained 41% of the variance (alpha = 0.732). The belief factor explained 33% of the variance (alpha = 0.705). The perceptual factor explained 28% of the variance (alpha = 0.721). The motive factor explained 23% of the variance (alpha = 0.742). The attitudinal factor explained 17% of the variance (alpha = 0.701). The normative factor explained 14% of the variance (alpha = 0.758). The intentional factor explained 9% of the variance (alpha 0.784) and the experiential factor explained 7% of the variance (alpha = 0.791). However, the fit and residual parameters ⌠χ2 = 356.46 (67df) p = 0.067; GFI = 0.990; CFI = 0.975; RMSEA = 0.000⌡ of the structural model of dependency relationships between indicators and cultural factors evidenced the spurious incidence of perceptions about experiences of termination of pregnancy. 

   Keywords: Values; Beliefs; Perceptions; Motives; Attitudes; Norms; Intentions.

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